25 weeks!
May 16th: We had a doctor's appointment. This time we had a million questions for the doctor, and she was really nice and helpful answering them all for us! She said Norah was perfect :) Her heartbeat was between 120-130s and she kicked while we were listening to her. My next appointment will be an ultrasound and will be my glucose test.
I'm having a hard time sleeping because I can't get comfortable! I put a pillow between my legs and it helps, but it's not that great. Sometimes my belly feels like it's pulling down, so I've tried a pillow under it, and that still hurts. The dr. said I can't sleep on my back at all anymore...which I knew...but I was still trying to get away with it occasionally. She said I could sleep turned a little on my side, a little on my back....make sense? Well I tried that the last 2 nights and it worked pretty well...or maybe I was just exhausted!
May 19th: My mom's wonderful friends threw me my 1st baby shower and it was sooo nice. They really went out of their way to make it special. I can't wait til my mom send me the pictures from it. I had a lot of fun and we got some great gifts! My sis gave us our changing table/dresser that I wanted from craigslist. We are gonna paint it light yellow (well, Robbie is) and hopefully soon start getting the nursery all set up. YAY!